The construction of new accommodation in an extension to the school and modification work to the existing building and external areas.
The project and background
Sherborne Abbey CE Primary School is located on the western edge of Sherborne. The existing 1.5 form entry (FE) school was constructed in 1999 but due to an increase in the population of the school aged children in the area, the school needed to expand in size from 1.5FE (315 pupils) to 2FE (420 pupils).
To meet this need a new single storey extension to the western elevation of the existing school was constructed. The new accommodation included 3 new classbases, food technology room, two group rooms, toilets and associated ancillary spaces, landscape and drainage works. The existing reception area was also extended and internally remodelled to provide adequate space.
To enable the construction works to progress whilst the school remains operational, temporary modular accommodation was installed in April 2017. This accommodation remained on site for 12 months during the course of the works.
Construction works commenced on site on Monday 3 July 2017. The project was completed in two sections with the reception area extension and remodelling being handed over to the school in January 2018 and the extension to the western elevation in March 2018.
The design
The design of the new extension follows the style and rhythm of the existing traditionally constructed school, being a masonry walling envelope under a pitched tiled roof covering. This retains the established strong sense of identity and consistency. Where possible matching traditional materials were used for the external envelope elements incorporating many repeat key features; in particular gable ends combining projecting buttresses complete with corbelled brickwork.
The landscape works included the provision of new footpaths to link all new external door entrances to existing paths, hard and soft play areas providing fully accessible circulation routes for disabled users.
The new extensions comply with current 2013 Part L Building Regulations following good energy design. Natural ventilation and daylight strategies were employed with appropriate energy efficient equipment and controls installed. The current site security and access arrangements remain in place and were adopted in the new extensions.
The design team
The project to provide additional accommodation at Sherborne Abbey CE Primary School was procured, project managed and designed by Dorset Property. The design team and main constructor were as follows:
- Client: The Managing our Assets Group, represented by the Corporate Director Children, Adults and Communities
- Project manager: Dorset Property
- Architect: Dorset Property
- Cost consultant: Dorset Property
- Mechanical engineer: Dorset Property
- Electrical engineer: Dorset Property
- Landscape architect: Dorset Property
- Structural engineer: Dorset Property
- Principal designer under CDM: Dorset Property
- Clerk of works: Dorset Property
- Main constructor: Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure
- Modular Accommodation Provider: McAvoy
Dorset Property
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Tel: 01305 225200
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