We have prepared a detailed planning strategy that will guide development and investment in Weymouth Town Centre over the next 10 years.
Adoption of the vision and masterplan
The masterplan summary Vision document was adopted by the Full Council on 4 June 2015. The masterplan Supplementary Planning Document was adopted at Full Council on the 15 October 2015 alongside the joint Local Plan. The masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides additional site-specific policy, supporting the policy framework of the local plan. Adoption of the SPD will provide guidance for the consideration of planning applications in the town centre area and a steer to prospective developers about the sort of proposals that will be encouraged.
Informing the masterplan
A report of consultation summarising the main outcomes from 2 public consultation and engagement workshops held in Weymouth on the 6 October and 21 November 2014:
Weymouth Town Centre Masterplan - Feria Urbanism Report of Consultation Part 1
Weymouth Town Centre Masterplan - Feria Urbanism Report of Consultation Part 2
Weymouth Town Centre Masterplan - Feria Urbanism Report of Consultation Part 3
Weymouth Town Centre Masterplan - Feria Urbanism Report of Consultation Part 4
In November 2014 Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd was commissioned to undertake a technical feasibility study of the five development sites, the findings are presented in these reports:
These findings have supported viability assessments and the scale of development proposed on individual sites.
Next steps
Further work will be required to implement the development proposals, including a traffic and movement study, public realm strategy and individual site development briefs, as well as further work on the implementation of improved flood defences.
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