The Transport Modelling Protocol provides details of transport models held by us and guidance on how these models can be used and accessed.
We have produced several detailed transport models covering different areas of the county. A detailed list of the transport models held by us is provided within the protocol.
Ways the transport models can be used
A Transport Model Protocol has been drawn up to formalise the way in which external parties can use our transport models or commission us to create transport models on their behalf. It sets out how this will be paid for and formalises control over how the models can be used. The protocol also protects our intellectual property rights by way of an agreement to be signed by all parties.
There are 2 different ways in which the transport models can be used. A model, or part of a model, can be:
- given to an external party to use in their analysis, subject to certain restrictions, or
- we can undertake the analysis in house
Reasons to use our models
Encouraging external parties to use our models ensures that there is an agreed base-line from which to work. It avoids our officers having to assess an external model in detail and removes any disagreement between two conflicting models.
Model access fees, and 25% of the officer day rate when we undertake work, will be used to update and maintain the transport models held by the county.
Who to contact
Depending on the underlying reason for requiring transport modelling input, the first point of contact with us will be with the Transportation Development Management Team (if the request is related to a specific planning proposal) or with the Transport Planning - LDF Team. These Officers will be able to provide guidance on what level of modelling is appropriate and will liaise with the modelling team as appropriate.
Transportation Modelling/Transport Development Management Protocol
Download the Transportation Modelling/Transport Development Management Protocol.