Work is underway to improve the road layout in the Gore Clump junction area.

Gore Clump is just off the C13 between Blandford and Shaftesbury and is next to the Compton Abbas Airfield.

The location has two junctions, Boundary Road northern spur adjacent to the airfield and Boundary Road southern spur – both of which connect with the C13.

Collision data

Gore Clump has previously been identified as an injury collision cluster site. In June 2018 this stretch of roads speed limit was reduced from 60mph to 40mph. However, comparing data before and after the speed limit reduction shows very little improvement.

Collisions between 7 June 2014 and 6 June 2018:

  • one fatal
  • three serious
  • two slight

Collisions between 7 June 2018 and 6 June 2022:

  • zero fatal
  • four serious
  • one slight

Analysis of the collision data – including vehicles involved, direction of travel, vehicle movements, time of day and weather conditions – has identified the junction layout as a contributory factor.

Design work for a new layout

Due to the sensitivity of the landscape, as well as its ecological significance, our engineers have been developing an unintrusive layout design while still achieving significant safety benefits. 

We’re currently at the early design stage. Further into the project, there will be statutory consultation undertaken for some proposed Traffic Regulation Orders.

Proposed vehicle movement restrictions:

  • one-way northern spur (no entry from Boundary Road) 
  • no right-turn into northern spur 

These would be combined with lining and signing improvements:

  • double white lines to reduce inappropriate overtaking
  • ‘slows’ & rumbles to improve awareness of the junction
  • Southern Spur junction markings to ‘square up’ junction
  • Boundary Road junction markings to reduce northern spur vehicle speeds; northern spur to give way and priority for southern spur 
  • speed gateways to emphasise 40mph speed limit
  • review of existing road signs and introduction of new warning signs 
  • vegetation clearance to enhance visibility at southern spur

These improvements would provide the opportunity to be monitored for effectiveness and built-upon as necessary in the future to ensure our aim of improving safety is met.